Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pin-up of the day...

So I am almost done with facebook. Too much from too many that happens too fast. I am going to concentrate on this instead. See if my rambling on-line diary will be interesting to anyone but me.
I just came from the computer doctor who says it will be 100$ to fix my puter. Bummer. Careful about saying yes to a " microsoft virus alert update". It will mess your puter bad. It acts like an anti virus then asks for money and won't x out...bastards!! People need to get a better hobby. I suggest to all considering malevolent behaviour to read " The War of Art", Steven Pressfield. He talks about people resisting their soul's work desire and becoming resentful and negative. A brilliant elaboration/extrapolation of the old " If you had a million what would you do " question...
I regards to my glamourous music career , Big Soul is starting location scouting for my " Out on a limb Video" I will hear more soon...They are deep in "Digging Roots " video production as we speak, so I am standing by for updates. Still no word from Arbor records yet about when the record is coming out..or even getting finished.
Mike Latschislaw took this picture. I love it, always wanted to have a pin up of myself. So darn cute. It was taken at his now "x "studio in the exchange district in Winnipeg Manitoba.
My daughter and I are going to see Wolverine at the Raven's Cry Theatre tonight. It is a good behaviour award for the end of her week long grounding, for having boys in the house when I was out. Kids ; )

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